
Full Fadom Five

Full Fadom Five

One sustaining takeaway from Full Fadom Five: the past is never past.

By Ami Sands Brodoff

Country of Poxes

Country of Poxes

In Country of Poxes, Mukhopadhyay suggests that these infectious diseases walked in lockstep with colonialism.

By Taionrén:hote Dan David

Sing, Nightingale

Sing, Nightingale

The world woven in Marie Hélène Poitras' historical novel sits outside of reality.

By Dean Garlick

Chasing Rivers

Chasing Rivers

Tamar Glouberman’s memoir is full of honest, captivating stories about the allure and threat of different forms of risk.

By Dana Bath

The Tempest

The Tempest

In Ilona Martonfi’s The Tempest, truths are uncovered, revealing tendrils and roots that reach far outside one life.

By Robyn Fadden



In Aaron Boothby’s Continent, documented history and intergenerational storytelling form a subjective mythology.

By Robyn Fadden

The Four-Doored House

The Four-Doored House

Much like the book’s title, there’s more than one way inside Pierre Nepveu’s latest poetic creations, and much goes on within their walls.

By Robyn Fadden