The Lost Drop

The Lost Drop

A review of The Lost Drop by Grégoire Laforce

Published on November 1, 2023

While reading The Lost Drop by Grégoire Laforce, I recalled a New York Times headline that proclaimed, “Your Kid’s Existential Dread is Normal.” Every parent during the pandemic breathed a sigh of relief reading that. And while “dread” may be too strong a word for what The Lost Drop’s protagonist Flo is feeling as she navigates the perpetual water cycle, there’s an undeniable undercurrent of ennui. As a fallen raindrop flowing downstream, Flo is hounded by two transcendental questions: “Who am I, and where should I go?” 

The Lost Drop
Grégoire Laforce
Illustrated by Benjamin Flouw

Milky Way Picture Books

When Flo finally, and inevitably, finds herself among the many drops of the sea, she is suddenly scared: “Flo was afraid of these new depths and wondered for a while if she had lost her way.” The answer she receives from the surrounding ocean sounds like a mantra: “You are here now, and you have nowhere else to go.” Finally, Flo understands her true nature. 

The Jurassic-themed art by Benjamin Flouw evokes theatre stage paintings – a vibrant backdrop for Flo’s journey. The handy diagram of the water cycle offers a learning moment. But the greater lesson of The Lost Drop is the developmental leap that all kids must take into self-awareness. As kids navigate this cognitive transition, they are bound to ask hard questions, and the water cycle serves as a surprisingly apt analogy for what they are going through. One could say that the life-long quest to discover ourselves, to learn about the infinite possibilities of the world around us, and to interrogate the forces that shape our paths, is elemental.mRb

Meaghan Thurston is a Montreal-based arts and science writer, co-editor of the anthology With the World to Choose From: Seven Decades of the Beatty Lecture at McGill University, and mother to two budding readers.



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