
Needle Work

Needle Work

As such, we are introduced to Canada's rich and complicated history of commercial tattooing.

By Yara El-Soueidi

No Big Deal

No Big Deal

A memoir that is aimed directly at music fanatics.

By Johnson Cummins

Living Design

Living Design

Short articles by a largely unsung Cuban-born interior and furniture designer, translated into English for the first time.

By Emily Raine



In Yogalands, Paul Bramadat sets an ambitious goal: to address questions that many Western yogis may have pondered but not examined profoundly.

By Rebecca West

Unravelling MAiD in Canada

Unravelling MAiD in Canada

An extensive inquiry into the ethics and controversies that pertain to assisted suicide in Canada.

By Yoann Della Croce

The Sustainability Class

The Sustainability Class

A reflection about certain types of “green” rhetoric – and the kinds of people who most avidly support (or police) it.

By Emma Dollery

Small Stories of War

Small Stories of War

This collection examines how young people their families make sense of and navigate war and its aftermath. 

By Taylor C. Noakes

Mainstreaming Porn

Mainstreaming Porn

An in-depth look at the capitalist and corporate backdrop that informs sex and eroticism.

By Sruti Islam

The Great Right North

The Great Right North

Crucially, the authors try to answer the million-dollar question: what is to be done about the far right in Canada?

By Nora Loreto

Hope is a Woman’s Name

Hope is a Woman’s Name

Amal Elsana Alh’jooj’s memoir tells of building bridges in places where people struggle to imagine such a possibility

By Brooke Lee

Line Breaks

Line Breaks

An engaging and humanistic memoir that braids together George Galt’s own “writing life” with a history of the anglophone Canadian literary scene.

By Adam Hill