mRb Spring 2023 issue out now!
Published on March 17, 2023

The Spring 2023 issue of the Montreal Review of Books is now available! All our reviews and interviews are online, but if you want to see the beautiful cover by Cesario Lavery, you’ll have to grab it in print. Pick it up at your local bookstore, library or café. Or if your favourite spot doesn’t carry it, let us know!

If you missed our launch event with readings by Tanya Standish McIntyre, Tracey Lindeman, and Gabrille Boulianne-Tremblay with translator Eli Tareq El-Bechelany-Lynch, check it out on AELAQ’s YouTube channel.

Hope to see you at one of Montreal’s many literary events this spring; for a list of these events, check out our sister site Read Quebec.






More Reviews

The Bigamist

The Bigamist

The novel illustrates how real life can dull the fairy tale of searching for new beginnings, falling in love, and ...

By Sharon Morrisey

Living Design

Living Design

Short articles by a largely unsung Cuban-born interior and furniture designer, translated into English for the ...

By Emily Raine