A Night On The Town
Caroline Merola
Tundra Books
meets Martha, a girl sitting by her window hoping for a peek at the tooth fairy. Martha, always up for adventure, becomes Pickles’s guide,
leading her to the park, the pool, and the candy store. But, under thenight sky, the urban landscape transforms for Martha, who now has
a new pair of eyes at her side. Their frolics take a serious turn, however, when the hungry Martha urges Pickles to break into the candy
store. In no time, Pickles is being pursued bypolice officers and Martha is nowhere in sight. Merola’s “monster” is anything but: readers can
easily relate to the youthful, fun-seeking, and totally-out-of-her-element Pickles. Merola also paints the night sympathetically, giving it lushness
and possibility. Without forcing morality, A Night on the Town does emphasize taking responsibility for wrongdoings. mRb