Stealing for attention


A review of Klepto by Lori Weber

Published on April 1, 2005

Lori Weber

James Lorimer & Company Ltd.

Lori Weber’s debut YA novel, Klepto, tells the story of a teenage girl who takes drastic action to gain control of her life.

Kat is relieved when her aggressive older sister, Hannah, is placed in a home for troubled teens. With her sister gone, Kat hopes that her parents will pay more attention to her. Instead, they’re focused on correcting what went wrong with their older daughter. Eagerly yet nervously, Kat’s parents prepare for Hannah’s release. Kat dreads the event, believing that it will mean a return to a life dominated by her sister’s bad behaviour. Feeling powerless at home, Kat finds a sense of solace and control in shoplifting. As Hannah’s return home looms, Kat’s “hobby” gets dangerously out of hand.

Weber explores themes of family dysfunction, belonging, and control in a well-written, insightful, and sensitive manner. Her novel is a quick, entertaining, and thought-provoking read which could be used to stimulate discussion among adolescents of the topics it addresses.

Klepto is part of the Sidestreets series published by James Lorimer and Company. Weber, who teaches English at John Abbott College, has another YA novel, Sprint, coming out this spring. mRb

Carol-Ann Hoyte is the Quebec English-language regional coordinator for TD Canadian Children's Book Week and organizer of monthly mixers for Montreal anglophone children's book authors and illustrators.



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