Naomi and the Secret Message

A review of Naomi And The Secret Message by Gilles Tibo

Published on April 1, 2004

Naomi And The Secret Message
Gilles Tibo

Tundra Books

Spare change anyone? In Gilles Tibo’s Naomi and the Secret Message, Naomi and her babysitter, Mrs. Lumbago, find thousands of dollars worth of coins in the walls of Mrs. Lumbago’s apartment. While excavating the coins, they find a mysterious hand mirror inscribed with a coded message. Naomi and Mrs. Lumbago have their hands full: they must find all the money stashed in the apartment, figure out what to do with it, and decode the mirror’s message. This entertaining novel, originally published in French and translated by Susan Ouriou, is suitable for children aged 8 to 12. Tibo offers a surprise conclusion which will touch those with a soft spot for happy endings. mRb

Carol-Ann Hoyte is the Quebec English-language regional coordinator for TD Canadian Children's Book Week and organizer of monthly mixers for Montreal anglophone children's book authors and illustrators.



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