Penelope and the Humongous Burp

A review of Penelope And The Humongous Burp by Sheri Radford

Published on April 1, 2004

Penelope And The Humongous Burp
Sheri Radford


Mention of a bodily function is guaranteed to get young readers’ attention and make them giggle. Sheri Radford’s Penelope and the Humongous Burp is no exception. Penelope drinks too much grape soda too quickly despite her mother’s warnings to slow down. Penelope’s guzzling produces large burps which wreak havoc on her home. The burps catch the attention of emergency professionals who arrive on the scene to investigate. Illustrator Christine Tripp has given the characters facial expressions which heighten the comic effect. Penelope, fittingly, wears purple shortalls and ribbons. mRb

Carol-Ann Hoyte is the Quebec English-language regional coordinator for TD Canadian Children's Book Week and organizer of monthly mixers for Montreal anglophone children's book authors and illustrators.



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