Polar Skater

A review of Polar Skater by Sally Grindley

Published on October 1, 2004

Polar Skater
Sally Grindley

Lobster Press

Lobster Press has brought out a picture book infused with Scandinavian flavour. In Polar Skater, a young girl is given a pair of skates. She heads with her father to the rink to give her skates a whirl and succeeds in skating on her own for the first time. While revelling in her accomplishment, she gets separated from her father and embarks on an imaginary skating adventure. British writer Sally Grindley’s text, written in non-rhyming verse, contains a flowing rhythm which makes the story enjoyable to read. Finnish illustrator Heli Hieta’s use of colour is clever and meaningful; she uses bright colours to depict real events and soft ones, mainly blue and peach, to show those events occurring in the girl’s imagination. mRb

Carol-Ann Hoyte is the Quebec English-language regional coordinator for TD Canadian Children's Book Week and organizer of monthly mixers for Montreal anglophone children's book authors and illustrators.



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