Emanations Wolsak & Wynn
Prathna Lor
If this sounds circular, or abstract, that’s because it is – Lor explores the limits of language in order to lyrically reassemble the contours of speech where “what presents itself as itself must always be undone.” In this eruption, the voice appears “luminescent,” filled with light and wonder: “Inside of my voice is our sound/ Thinking the fractures/ Where I emerge.” This is a book of metaphysical emanations on self, where the speaker swells with joy before “the everyday divine,” or in that “echo/ what is left between/ accident and epiphany.”
Lor therefore writes at the precipice of consciousness, to present a lyrical self that moves through and implicates the reader in the pleasure of its own dissolution. They insist, “Make room for the subsonic/ the little binding underneath,” yet continuously return from this intangible space to the body: “Always / moving through.” This way, Lor works in a Whitmanesque tradition, but with the noted intention “to unspeak history.” As a result, Lor both interrogates and reaffirms the lyrical subject by proposing a fractured yet expansive self. This collection is for the poetry reader looking for a new and luminous literary voice. mRb