That’s The Way The Cookie Crumbles
Dr. Joe Schwarcz

ECW Press

Schwarcz follows his popular Radar, Hula Hoops and Playful Pigs and The Genie in the Bottle with 62 new commentaries on the “fascinating chemistry of everyday life.” And fascinating it is, thanks to the author’s lively style and contagious enthusiasm for chemistry, and his ability to make it accessible. That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles connects the dots between such unlikely events as the madness of King George III and the royal fondness for sauerkraut; and between gluten, the molecular make-up of trans-fatty acids, and how the cookie crumbles. Schwarcz explains why it is safe to cook in aluminum pans and microwave food in plastic containers, yet sometimes hazardous to one’s health to renovate older homes. He even takes on and demystifies the hot-potato issue of genetically modified food. It is almost impossible to read That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles in the same room with someone else and not say, “Listen to this! Did you know…?” mRb