This latest offering from Monica Arnaldo is a whodunnit for olfactory detectives. It is opening day at the Museum of Very Bad Smells, but the prize exhibit, the rotten egg, has been burgled! Everyone is a suspect – the hermit crab, the dung beetle, the disgruntled mouse, and the wet dog – but each seems to have an alibi. Can they find the egg in time for the opening? Thankfully, the hamster is frantically on the case.

The Museum of Very Bad Smells
Monica Arnaldo
Arnaldo really flexes her illustrator muscles within these vibrant and playful pages. The dog’s tail wags with gusto, while the hamster’s facial expressions belie his oscillating emotions. And let’s just say that when the mystery is solved, no graphic detail is spared!
Repeat readings might not be quite as much fun once the thief is unmasked. But I have the sneaking suspicion that kids will come back time and again for the giddy humour of it all, and more specifically, for the fart jokes.mRb