The Prisoner and the Writer shares the lives of two different men caught in the middle of very different sides of the same (true) story. Illustrated in dominating tones of black, blue, and red, it’s the occasional bursts of yellow depicting sources of light that remind us that hope is still alive, even during the darkest of times.

The Prisoner and the Writer
Heather Camlot
Illustrated by Sophie Casson
Groundwood Books
Celebrating 125 years since its publication, “J’Accuse…!” represents one person’s fearlessness in the fight for truth and equality. A century and a quarter later, Émile Zola’s writing continues to advocate for all victims of injustice, discrimination and hate. A soul-stirring story that is just as moving visually, The Prisoner and the Writer is well worth the read, and is a great introduction to developing young readers’ critical thinking skills.mRb