The Several Lives of Orphan Jack

A review of The Several Lives Of Orphan Jack by Sarah Ellis

Published on April 1, 2004

The Several Lives Of Orphan Jack
Sarah Ellis

Groundwood Books

Sarah Ellis’s The Several Lives of Orphan Jack chronicles the adventures of a clever 12-year-old orphan named Jack. He was a master at avoiding trouble at the orphanage, but in his newfound life of freedom, he develops a knack for attracting it. To survive in the world, he must come up with a way to earn a living. Jack, a quick thinker and a lover of words, becomes an idea seller, convincing people to pay him with goods and money to hear his ideas. This middle-grade book about making one’s way in the world is a short, fun read, full of rich and delicious language. Illustrations by Bruno St. Aubin add to the charm. mRb

Carol-Ann Hoyte is the Quebec English-language regional coordinator for TD Canadian Children's Book Week and organizer of monthly mixers for Montreal anglophone children's book authors and illustrators.



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