Poem of the Month
Untitled (from Winnows)

By Maxianne Berger

Published on December 1, 2016

[spacer height=”20px”]noon sun pauses at a sky-light – hollow of a tree

[spacer height=”80px”]stars just out a cosy fireside chat with the universe

[spacer height=”80px”]the same garden near close of day – painted by wind and shadows

[spacer height=”20px”]_____________________________________________ Winnowed from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, or The Whale Chapter xxxiv – the cabin-table Chapter xxxv – the mast-head Chapter xxxvi – the quarter-deck

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Sound No 2

There are things I want to show you, like the empty pause that encircles desire. Or how Klimt knew that a woman bends her neck that far for a kiss only if she really wants it. I want to show you how quiet it gets when you’re in the company of someone who no longer loves you.


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