Poem of the Month
Everything is a circle

By Natasha Kanapé Fontaine

Published on December 3, 2015

everything is a circle completing the pages

of history to repaint it

retranscribe the traditional legends


in the twilight tundra you breathe the bread of

your hunts incurred distant

your fire is a star among so many others

the mass is milky

a canvas frays then on the ceilings of your orbits

your searches cover tracks


stop breaking my erosions with your boats

let me finish!

my path still has steps to be taken

my stranger on my land!


do what you like as long as my brothers live

I’ll read their shoulder blades draw them parallel

detect the voice of our fathers the roads blocked!

my alarmed ones without compass

my poorly armed.

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Versailles bus stop

I loved my colleagues and their playful putdowns. I loved the way they paid attention to clothes — as if they never considered how their tunics and smart pantsuits looked like upholstery.


Indeed you miss the point, my friend. It does stand stubbornly guarding mile after mile of soft and useless dust and wind out of the north with a low whine and the lying mouth of the news— the bitch!—the words and weather both are cutting.