Race Without Rules

A review of Race Without Rules by N. A. T. Grant

Published on October 1, 2004

Race Without Rules
N. A. T. Grant

Llumina Press

Beginning writers are often told to “write what they know.” If Grant had followed this maxim, we would have missed this thriller about a neo-Nazi biotechnology conspiracy that moves rapidly from WW II Berlin to modern-day Westmount, with a stop in the jungles of Brazil along the way.

It would be a shame to give away too much of the plot, but the major characters include Karl Treiger, an unwilling member of a group of neo-Nazis who hatch a plan to conquer the world through genetic engineering, and Megan Brodie, a Cree-Scottish woman who had been on trial for murder after killing the biker who raped her and threatened her daughter. Megan’s friend Fiona is attacked by a thief who is hell-bent on getting some old plans of her Westmount neighbourhood and is willing to commit murder and arson to get them. In the meantime, Trieger is escaping a trap set by Stoltz and Higler, two young Aryans who are the results of genetic engineering. Race Without Rules has a complex plot unfolded by a natural storyteller.

Unfortunately Grant ends the book like The Perils of Pauline, with the heroine figuratively on the railroad tracks with the train steaming towards her. Fear not, though; the sequel, Running the Race, should be available in November. mRb

Margaret Goldik is a former editor of the Montreal Review of Books.



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