
Fall Issue Out Now!

Fall Issue Out Now!

Our fall 2022 issue is on the stands! The cover by Skylar Aung-Thwin is a beautiful thing to hold in your hands.




Neil Smith holds pain and hope in precarious suspension in his autobiographical novel.

By Ami Sands Brodoff

Shaf and the Remington

Shaf and the Remington

Rana Bose's novel is an allegory of human nature, asking us to question the essence and roots of war and ideology.

By Val Rwigema



Ann-Marie MacDonald’s magnificent fourth novel is a hefty read, yet never does it feel too long.

By Kimberly Bourgeois

Shifting Earth

Shifting Earth

Flavia Biondi’s and Fabiana Mascolo’s art jumps off the page in vibrant, fluid storytelling, beautifully illustrating Cecil Castellucci’s Shifting Earth.

By Billie Gagné-LeBel